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  • 学历:博士

  • 毕业院校:清华大学

  • 职称:教授,博士生导师

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  • 系所单位:南开大学元素有机化学研究所石先楼220

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课题组网站Research Group‘s Website
研究领域Research Field


(1)具有生物活性含磷化合物合成方法研究 ;






教育与科研经历Education and Scientific Research Experience

1991年和1998年毕业于天津师范大学化学系,分别获得理学学士和硕士学位,2002年毕业于清华大学化学系,获得理学博士学位,导师:赵玉芬院士。2002-2004年在瑞士联邦苏黎世高等理工大学(ETH Zürich)从事博士后研究,导师:Prof. Andrea Vasella. 2004-2011年在南开大学化学学院元素有机化学研究所任副教授,2012年晋升为教授。

荣誉和奖励Honor and Awards


科研成果Achievements in Scientific Research
代表论文Representative Publication



1.        Jiayong Zhang, Minxuan Zhang, Yuming Li, Shang Liu and Zhiwei Miao* “Diastereoselective Synthesis of Cyclopentene Spiro-rhodanines Containing Three Contiguous Stereocenters via Phosphine-catalyzed [3+2] Cycloaddition or One-pot Sequential [3+2]/[3+2] Cycloaddition” RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 107984-107993.

2.        Yan Cai, Yuming Li, Minxuan Zhang, Jiaxin Fu, and Zhiwei Miao* “Regioselective BF3·Et2O-catalyzed C-H Functionalization of Indoles and Pyrrole with Reaction of α-Diazophosphonates” RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 69352-69356.

3.        苗志伟*蔡岩,葛海红,付嘉欣,木尼热·阿布都克力木*α-重氮膦酸酯研究进展 Chin. J. Org. Chem. (有机化学)2016, 36, 976-986.

4.        Haihong Ge, Shuang Liu, Yan Cai, Yuchao Sun and Zhiwei Miao*1,2-Hydride Migration in [Cu(MeCN)4]PF6 Catalyzed Dialkyl a-Diazophosphonates: A Novel Approach to (E)-b-Amino Enylphosphonates” SYNTHESIS 2016, 48, 448-454.

5.        Guowei Cai, Shuang Liu, Jiayong Zhang, Yuanyuan Ren, He Wang, and Zhiwei Miao* “High Diastereoselective Synthesis of Spiro[tetrahydrothiophene-3,3’-pyrazol] with an All-carbon Quaternary Stereocenter via [3+2] Cascade Michael/Michael Cyclization Catalyzed by DABCO” Synthetic Communications 2016, 46, 793-798.


1.        Weiping Zheng, Jiayong Zhang, Shuang Liu, Chenbin Yu and Zhiwei Miao*Asymmetric Synthesis of Spiro[chroman-3,3’-pyrazol] Scaffolds with an All-carbon Quaternary Stereocenter via a oxa-Michael-Michael Cascade Strategy with Bifunctional Amine-thiourea Organocatalysts” RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 91108-91113.

2.        Yan Cai, Haihong Ge, Weize Sun, and Zhiwei Miao* Trifluoroborane-Catalyzed C–H Functionalization/S–H Insertion Reaction: Construction of N,S-Acetal Quaternary Centers” SYNTHESIS 2015, 47, 1669-1677.

3.        Yu Jia, Xiao Tang, Guowei Cai, Ruxuan Jia, Boran Wang, and Zhiwei Miao* “Nucleophilic Bisphosphine-catalyzed One-pot Sequential [4+2]/[4+2] Annulation of Allenoate with Benzylidene Pyrazolone” Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 4720-4725.

4.        胡辰飞,蔡岩,木尼热·阿布都克力木,苗志伟由氨基酸衍生α-重氮膦酸酯不对称合成β-氨基膦酸酯衍生物反应研究Chin. J. Org. Chem. (有机化学)2015, 35, 2135-2141.


1.        Chengbin Yu, Weiping Zheng, Junchen Zhan, Yuchao Sun, and Zhiwei Miao* “Highly Regio- and Diastereoselective Construction of Spirocyclopenteneoxindole Phosphonates Through Phosphine-catalyzed [3+2] Annulation Reaction” RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 63246–63253.

2.        Yan Cai, Haihong Ge, Chengbin Yu, Weize Sun, Junchen Zhan and Zhiwei Miao*Regiospecific and Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of β-Amino (Z)-Enylphosphonates via β-Hydrogen Migration Reaction of Dialkyl α-Diazophosphonates Catalyzed by AgOTfRSC Adv. 2014, 4, 21492-21496.

3.        Yan Cai, Hairong Lyu, Chengbin Yu, Zhiwei Miao* “Unexpected Stereoselectivity Synthesis of (Z)-β-Alkenyl Substituted β-Amino Phosphonates Through β,γ-Dihydrogen Shift Reaction Catalyzed by [Cu(MeCN)4]PF6/I2Adv. Synth. Catal. 2014, 356, 596-602.

4.        Shasha Kong, Weidong Fan, Hairong Lyu, Junchen Zhan, Xinyu Miao, Zhiwei Miao* “Highly Diastereoselective Vinylogous Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction of Isatins with 2-(Trimethylsilyloxy)furans Catalyzed by Quinine” Synth. Commun. 2014, 44 (7), 936-942.


1.        Chengbin Yu, Hairong Lyu, Yan Cai, Xinyu Miao, Zhiwei Miao* “An environmentally benign approach for the synthesis of 3,3’-pyrrolidonyl spirooxindole derivatives via cascade Knoevenagel/Michael/cyclization multicomponent reaction” RSC Adv. 2013, 3, 18857-18862.

2.        Yan Cai, Yuchen Lu, Chengbin Yu, Hairong Lyu, Zhiwei Miao* “Combined C-H Functionalization/O-H Insertion Reaction to Form Tertiary β-Alkoxy Substituted β-Aminophosphonates Catalyzed by [Cu(MeCN)4]PF6Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 5491-5499.

3.        Gang Hou, Jipan Yu, Chengbin Yu, Guiping Wu, Zhiwei Miao* “Enantio- and Diastereoselective Vinylogous Mukaiyama Aldol Reactions of α-Keto phosphonates with 2-(Trimethylsilyloxy)furan Catalyzed by Bis(oxazoline)-copper Complexes” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2013, 355, 589-593.

4.        Xiaona Zhao, Weidong Fan, Zhiwei Miao*, Ruyu Chen “Efficient Synthesis of Isoquinoline Derivatives via AgOTf/Cu(OTf)2-Cocatalyzed Cyclization of 2-Alkynyl Benzaldoxime” Synth. Commun. 2013, 43 (12), 1714-1720.

5.        Weidong Fan, Shasha Kong, Yan Cai, Guiping Wu, Zhiwei Miao* “Diastereo- and Enantioselective Nitro-Mannich Reaction of α-Substituted Nitroacetates to N-Phosphoryl Imines Catalyzed by Cinchona Alkaloid Thiourea Organocatalysts” Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 3223-3229.

6.        Bing Cui, Gang Hou, Yan Cai, Zhiwei Miao* “High diastereoselective vinylogous Mannich reaction induced by O-pivaloylated D-galactosylamine as the chiral auxiliary: stereoselective synthesis of 8-arylazocan-2-one” Carbohydrate RESEARCH 2013, 374, 1-7.


1.        Shasha Kong, Weidong Fan, Guiping Wu, Zhiwei Miao*Enantioselective Synthesis of Tertiary α-Hydroxy Phosphonates Catalyzed by Carbohydrate/Cinchona Alkaloid Thiourea Organocatalysts” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 8864-8867.

2.        Haohao Yang, Bing Cui, Guiping Wu, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen* “Asymmetric aza-Friedel-Crafts Reaction of Indoles Induced by O-Pivaloylated D-Galactosylamine as the Chiral Auxiliary” Tetrahedron 2012, 68, 4830-4837.

3.        Bin Cui, Shasha Kong, Guiping Wu, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen* “Lewis Acid Catalyzed Diastereoselective Vinylogous Mannich Reaction Induced by O-Pivaloylated D-Galactosylamine as the Chiral Auxiliary: Stereoselective Synthesis of 6-Arylpiperidin-2-ones” SYNTHESIS 2012, 44, 111–119.


1.        Xiaona Zhao, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen* “Efficient Syntheses of 1H-isochromen-1-ylmethylphosphonates via Regioselective 6-endo-dig Addition to Carbon-carbon Triple Bond Catalyzed by Pd(OAc)2 Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon, 2011, 186, 2357-2367.

2.        Jipan Yu, Xiaona Zhao, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen* “Highly diastereoselective vinylogous Mukaiyama aldol reaction of α-keto phosphonates with 2-(trimethylsilyloxy)furan catalyzed by Cu(OTf)2 Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 6721-6726.

3.        Zhijia Fang, Haohao Yang, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen* “Asymmetric Mannich-Type Synthesis of N-Phosphinyl α-Aminophosphonic Acid Monoesters” Helvetica Chimica Acta 2011, 94, 1586-1593.

4.        Yangyun Wang, Jipan Yu, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen* “Bifunctional primary amine-thiourea–TfOH (BPAT·TfOH) as a chiral phase-transfer catalyst: the asymmetric synthesis of dihydropyrimidines” Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 3050-3054.

5.        Jipan Yu, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen* “Highly efficient asymmetric vinylogous Mannich reaction induced by O-pivaloylated D-galactosylamine as the chiral auxiliary” Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 1756-1762.

6.        Haitao Yang, Chao Xi, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen*  “Cross-Coupling Reactions of Aryl Halides with Amines, Phenols, and Thiols Catalyzed by an N,N’-Dioxide–Copper(I) Catalytic System Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 18, 3353-3360.

7.        Haitao Yang, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen* “A Versatile and Efficient Cu-Catalyzed N-Arylation of Aromatic Cyclic Secondary Amines with Aryl HalidesLetters in Organic Chemistry 2011, 8, 325-331.

8.        Yangyun Wang, Jipan Yu, Haohao Yang, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen* “Solvent-Free Biginelli Reaction: A Green Method for the Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2-ones Catalyzed by Protic Acids in Large-Scale” Letters in Organic Chemistry 2011, 8, 264-267.


于吉攀; 苗志伟*; 陈茹玉。“β-氨基膦酸(酯)和亚膦酸(酯)不对称合成”中国科学:化学 2010, 40, 847-855.


1.        Yangyun Wang, Haitao Yang, Jipan Yu, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen* “Highly Enantioselective Biginelli Reaction Promoted by Chiral Bifunctional Primary Amine-Thiourea Catalysts: Asymmetric Synthesis of Dihydropyrimidines” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 3057-3062.

2.        Yadan Wang, Yangyun Wang, Jipan Yu, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen* “Stereoselective Synthesis of α-Amino(phenyl)methyl(phenyl)Phosphinic Acids with O-Pivaloylated D-Galactosylamine as Chiral Auxiliary” Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 9290-9293.

3.        Fei Wang, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen* “Efficient Syntheses of Phosphonylated Isochromenes by Regioselective 6-Endo-dig Addition to Carbon-Carbon Triple Bond Catalyzed by Pd(OAc)2 Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 2848-2850.


1.        Fei Wang, Yadan Wang, Lingchao Cai, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen “Efficient Syntheses of (Thio)phosphonylated Isobenzofurans by Tandem Nucleophilic Addition and Regioselective 5-Exo-dig Addition to Carbon-Carbon Triple Bond: Cooperative Effect to DBU” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 2733-2739.

2.        Yadan Wang, Fei Wang, Yangyun Wang, Zhiwei Miao,* and Ruyu Chen “Glycosylation-Induced and Lewis Acid Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis of β-N-Glycosidically Linked α-Aminophosphonic Acids Derivatives” Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 2339-2344.

3.        Zhanwei Cui, Jianfeng Zhang, Fei Wang, Yadan Wang, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen “The diastereoselective synthesis of Methyl 5-deoxy-5-(dialkylphosphono)-5-(dialkylphosphorylamido)-2,3-O-isopropylidene-β-D-ribofuranoside” Carbohydrate RESEARCH 2008, 343, 2530-2534.

4.        Zhiwei Miao,* Jianfeng Zhang, Zhanwei Cui and Ruyu Chen* “Acetyl chloride mediated synthesis of trans-2-[(diethoxyphosphorylamino)alkyl]-4-aryl-5,5-dimethyl-1,3,2λ5-dioxaphosphorinane-2-oxideBulletin of Chemical Society of Japan 2008, 81, 630-635.

5.        Jianfeng Zhang, Yadan Wang, Zhanwei Cui, Fei Wang, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen* “An Efficient and Green Method for the Synthesis of N-Phosphoramino o-Hydroxylphenyl α-Aminophosphonic Monoesters” Heteroatom Chemistry 2008, 19, 596-601.

6.        Jianfeng Zhang, Zhiwei Miao*, Zhanwei Cui and Ruyu Chen “Synthesis of N-protected O-hydroxyl-phenyl-a-aminophosphonic monoester” PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 2008183, 679-680.

7.        Zhanwei Cui, Zhiwei Miao*, Jianfeng Zhang and Ruyu Chen “Synthesis of Diphenyl a-(O-phenyl bis(2-chloroethyl) amidophosphorylamino)-phosphonates” PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS 2008183, 720-725.

8.        王亚丹; 王飞; 苗志伟*; 陈茹玉。“碳水化合物含磷配体在不对称催化中的应用”化学进展 2008, 20, 1923-1932.

9.        王飞; 王亚丹; 蔡灵超; 苗志伟*; 陈茹玉。“异苯并吡喃和异苯并呋喃衍生物合成研究进展”有机化学 2008, 28, 1523-1533.

10.    张建锋; 崔占伟; 苗志伟*; 陈茹玉。“α-氨基膦酸(酯)不对称合成研究进展”有机化学 2008, 28, 946-953.

11.    Bin Wang, Zhiwei Miao, Jian Wang, Ruyu Chen*, “Xiande Zhang Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel naphthoquinone fused cyclicaminoalkylphosphonates and aminoalkylphosphonic monoester” Amino Acids 2008, 35, 463-468.


1.        Jianfeng Zhang, Zhanwei Cui, Fei Wang, Yadan Wang, Zhiwei Miao* and Ruyu Chen* “Mannich type reactions of chlorophosphites, phosphoramides and aldehydes (ketones) under solvent-free and catalyst-free conditions—synthesis of N-phosphoramino α-aminophosphonates” Green Chemistry 2007, 9, 1341-1345.

2.        Zhiwei Miao*, Jianfeng Zhang, Zhanwei Cui, Bin Wang, Ruyu Chen* “Synthesis and structure of O,O-diethyl N-[(trans-4-aryl-5,5-dimethyl-2-oxido-2 lambda(5)-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl)methyl]phosphoramidothioates” Helvetica Chimica Acta 2007, 90,1932-1939.

3.        MIAO, Zhi-Wei; FU, Cui-Rong; WANG, Bin; CUI, Zhan-Wei; ZHANG, Jian-Feng; CHEN, Ru-Yu.Synthesis and electrospray ionization mass spectra of N-(1,3,2-dioxaphosphorincin-2-ylmethyl)thiophosphoramidates” Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2007, 25, 1344-1348.

4.        Zhanwei Cui, Jianfeng Zhang, Zhiwei Miao*, Ruyu Chen*. “Synthesis of diphenyl alpha-(dipropoxyphosphoramido)alkyl-phosphonates Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2007, 25, 1551-1554.

5.        Bin Wang, Zhiwei Miao, Ruyu Chen* “A simple and convenient procedure for the synthesis of naphthoquinone fused cyclic alpha-aminophosphoryl chloride” Heteroatom Chemistry 2007, 18, 359-362.

6.        Bin Wang, Zhiwei Miao, You Huang, Ruyu Chen* “A convenient synthesis of 2-alkoxy-2-oxo-1,4,2-oxazaphosphinanes” Heteroatom Chemistry 2007, 18, 65-69.


Miao, Z. W.; Wang, B.; Zhang, G. H.; Chen R. Y. “An Improved Route to the Synthetic of Diphenyl α-(Diethoxythiophosphorylamino)methylphosphonates” Bioorganic Chemistry 2006, 34, 167-172.


1.        Zhiwei Miao, Ming Xu, Barbara Hoffmann, Bruno Bernet, Andrea Vasella. “Functionalised Bicyclic exo-Glycals by Alkynol Cycloisomerisation of Hydroxy1,3-Diynes and Hydroxy Haloalkynes” Helvetica Chimica Acta 2005, 88,  1885-1912.

2.        Ming Xu, Zhiwei Miao, Bruno Bernet, Andrea Vasella. “Functionalised Monocyclic Five- to Seven- Membered exo-Glycals by Alkynol Cycloisomerisation of Hydroxy Buta-1,3-diynes and 1-Haloalkynols” Helvetica Chimica Acta 2005, 88,  2918-2937.

3.        Feng YP, Miao ZW, Han B, Zhao YF. “Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the dephosphoryl reaction catalyzed in nucleoside 5 '-amino acid phosphoramidates” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 2005, 239, 239-242.


Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Guang-Zhong Tu, Ji-Gang Zhu, Hui-Wang Ai, Yu-Fen Zhao, “A Stepwise One-Pot Synthesis of Aryl N-Phosphonamidothionate Derivatives of Nucleosides” Heteroatom Chemistry 2003, 14, 62-66.


1.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Bo Han, Yi Chen, Yu-Fen Zhao, “A Stepwise One Pot Synthesis of Alkyl Thiophosphoramidates Derivatives of Nucleoside 5'-Thiophosphoramidates” Syn. Commun. 2002, 32, 1159-1167.

2.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Bo Han, Yu-Fen Zhao, “One Pot Synthesis of Nucleoside 5'-Thiophosphoramidates” Syn. Commun. 2002, 32, 1069-1076.

3.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Bo Han, Yu-Fen Zhao, “Synthesis of N-Phosphonamidothionate Derivatives of nucleoside” Phosphorus, sulfur & silicon 2002, 177 (8-9), 2089-2090.

4.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Fu Hua, Bo Han, Yi Chen, Yu-Fen Zhao, “A Convenient Two-Step One-Pot Synthesis of Alkylthiophosphoramidate Derivatives” Phosphorus, sulfur & silicon 2002, 177 (3), 641-646.

5.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Guang-Zhong Tu, Bo Han, Yu-Fen Zhao, “One Pot Synthesis of Aryl Thiophosphoramidate Derivatives of AZT” Syn. Commun. 2002, 32 (21), 3301-3309.

6.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Guang-Zhong Tu, Bo Han, Yu-Fen Zhao. “Synthesis and novel properties of alkylthiophosphoramidate derivatives of nucleosides” Journal of Chinese Chemistry 2002, 20, 492-496.

7.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Yu-Ping Feng, Bo Han, Guang-Zhong Tu, Yu-Fen Zhao. “Studies on Synthesis and intramolecular catalyzed hydrolysis of thiophosphoramidate Derivatives of Nucleoside” Journal of Chinese Chemistry 2002, 20 (11), 1434-1438.

8.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Yu-Ping Feng, Hua Fu, Guang-Zhong Tu, Yu-Fen Zhao. “Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of 2¢, 3¢-O-alkoxymethylidene adenosine 5'-thiophosphoramidates” CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITY 2002, 23 (12), 2284-2286.

9.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Yu-Ping Feng, Hua Fu, Guang-Zhong Tu, Yu-Fen Zhao. “Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of 2¢, 3¢-didehydro-2¢, 3¢- dideoxythymidine (d4T) 5'-thiophosphoramidates” ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 2002, 60 (10), 1887-1892.

10.    Cheng CM, Fan C, Wan R, Tong CY, Zhi-Wei Miao, Chen J, Zhao YF, “Phosphorylation of adenosine with trimetaphosphate under simulated prebiotic conditions” ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF THE BIOSPHERE 2002, 32 (3), 219-224.


1.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Hua Fu, Yi Chen, Jing Chen, Chang-Mei Cheng, Yu-Fen Zhao, “Synthesis and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectra of Amino Acids Thiophosphoramidates of Nucleoside” Journal of Chinese Chemistry 2001, 19, 1239-1244.

2.        Yi-Sui Zhou, Zhi-Wei Miao, Yu-Fen Zhao, “Study on the Thermolysis of 5¢-O-Trityl-2¢,3¢-O-Triphenyl-Phosphorane Diyluridine” Syn. Commun. 2001, 31 (4), 631-636.


1.        Yi-Sui Zhou, Zhi-Wei Miao, Yu-Fen Zhao, “Chlorination of Nucleosides by N-chlorodiisopropylamine and Triphenylphosphine” Synlett. 2000, 5, 671-673

2.        Zhang X, Qi LL, Sun M, Zhi-Wei Miao, Liu XL, Miao FM. “The study of comparative molecular field analysis and electronic structure on photosystem II inhibitors-Trans-cyanoacrylates” CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY 2000, 19 (2): 139-144.


1.        Zhi-Wei Miao, Zhou WH, Liu XL, Miao FM. Synthesis, characterization and activity determination of four superoxide dismutase mimetic complexes CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1999, 19 (5): 537-541.

2.        Liu XL, Zhi-Wei Miao, Zhou WH, Wen X, Zhao R, Miao FM, Wang HG, Yao XK. Synthesis, crystal structure, activity and quantum chemistry of trinuclear complex of bis(2-benzimidazolylmethyl)amine ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 1999, 57 (11): 1185-1192.

3.        Zhou WH, Zhi-Wei Miao, Liu XL, Miao FM, Wang HG, Yao XK. “Synthesis, crystal structure and quantum chemistry study of monohydrated multidentate ligand tris(2-benzimidazylmethyl)amine”, CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY 1999, 18 (3): 204-208.

4.        Wang GB, Zhi-Wei Miao, Liu XL, Miao FM. “Synthesis and characterization of copper(II), zinc(II), nickel(II) and cobalt(II) complexes with a new Schiff base containing glycyl-DL-phenylalanine”, SYNTHESIS AND REACTIVITY IN INORGANIC AND METAL-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1998, 28 (5): 843-850.


1.        赵玉芬,苗志伟,付华,韩波,核苷5’-硫代磷酰氨基酸酯化合物 专利ZL01129555.1授权时间:200417

2.        赵玉芬,苗志伟,付华,韩波,2’,3’-O-异亚丙基核苷5’-硫代磷酰氨基酸酯化合物 专利ZL01124565.1授权时间:2004310

3.        赵玉芬,苗志伟,付华,韩波,成昌梅,一种硫代磷酰氨基酸酯化合物及其制备方法专利ZL01130784.6授权时间:2004728

4.        赵玉芬,苗志伟,付华,韩波,成昌梅,一种3’-叠氮胸苷-5’-硫代磷酰氨基酸酯化合物及其制备方法 专利ZL01130785.4授权时间:200417

5.  赵玉芬,苗志伟,付华,韩波,成昌梅,一种含有3’-叠氮胸苷的硫代磷酰氨基酸酯化合物及其制备方法 专利ZL01130786.2授权时间:200417

人才培养Talents Cultivation